New Independent Venues in Great Britain
New independent places from all over Great Britain discussed NME their motivation for opening during what may be the most perilous period for the mass musical scene in history.
- READ MORE: Great Britain loses a mass musical venue every two weeks, as the industry calls for “action, not words.”
Current State of Independent Venues
In its annual report for 2024, Music Venue Trust (MVT) stated that 200 independent venues are under threat, with the UK losing approximately one venue every two weeks. MVT emphasized that rising business costs following the UK’s autumn budget have pushed over 350 venues into a precarious position.
Despite these challenges, venues like London LVLS, Soul Mama, and Manchester’s The Rat & Pigeon successfully opened last year. Papillon Southampton, developed by Chere Portsmouth, opened at the end of 2023, having prepared to launch in March.
LVLS, Soul Mama, and The Rat & Pigeon participated in the Independent Venue Week (IVW) this year, joining 211 other venues across the UK for a beloved celebration of independent music and arts. Starting on Monday, January 27, IVW will run nationwide until Sunday, February 2.
“The conversations are muted in the background, but Independent Venue Week truly brings them into the spotlight,” said Sam Foster, managing The Rat & Pigeon and director of the Futurecultures Pub Group. NME The challenge we face is crafting a narrative since we’ve only been in operation for six months. IVW is an opportunity to forge a significant story and establish important milestones for The Rat & Pigeon.”